I can't claim that we do unit studies around here, but I love the concept. And I love lists. So, I tend to group similar topics together and make lists under "Project Summaries" when I'm collating our learning activities (which I do informally).
For example, I'm a keener for learning about Canada. I don't drill Canadian trivia into my son, however, I do have an on going section in my file for all things Canada. When we read a Canadian author, it goes into that list. When we visit a historical site, it goes into that list. When we watch CG Kids, it goes into that list. My son has several books on Canada that he loves, and those go into that list. Canadian music, stories, articles, dvds, experiences, field trips, etc.
Some "Project Summaries" are shorter than others while some are really in depth. My son's current Project Summary for Star Wars is quite an extensive resource list, lol!
And some, like this Narnia one, are short and on going.
First off, my son and I listened to the audiobook
The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe.
[I typically only read one chapter book out loud and that one is
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix at the moment.]
My son read the very colourful
Step Into Narnia: A Journey Through "The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe" by E.J. Kirk
Of course, we had to watch
The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe, the new movie! We're borrowing the older version from the library and will compare the two very soon.
And the inspiration for doing all this right now: the
Narnia exhibit at our Telus World of Science. Apparently, photos are not allowed within the exhibit, sorry :(
However, follow this link to the
promo video on the official website.
This exhibit ends May 1, 2011! It's the last few weeks, but plenty off time to enjoy it.
We printed out the
educational guide pdf from the Narnia Exhibit website. It looked good and my son wants to do most of the activities.
We will listen to the rest of the Narnia books and keep our eyes out for complimentary books, like the above
Step into Narnia book. Plus watch the old and new movies.
Normally I'd be inspired to take out more library resources on England and London, but we've previously delved into London, England before our visit there-- plus our actual visit and all the photos! My son did not ask to learn more and we have several other countries he's interested in learning about right now.