For example, in the past I would completely ignore the modern day versions of classic stories as if they were tainted and toxic. Now? While I'm still not fond of them, I can see where certain archaic language can be reinvented for a young inquisitive mind who doesn't want to wait to read a difficult story. Because really, is it the story or the language or both that matters? To whom? Compromising can be good.
I'm bringing this up because the Anita Renfroe video reminded me of some favourite Cds we haven't listened to in ages.
The purist in me thinks classical music should be raw and real and unadorned; it should be presented as is and without gimmick. My son has always enjoyed classical music and, so, it was with much trepidation I found and presented Beethoven's Wig to him.
Beethoven's Wig: Sing Along Symphonies are a fun and award winning series of CDs in which silly and catchy lyrics have suddenly sprung up in famous classical music pieces. This is both good and bad! They are fun and silly, but very catchy and I've found it hard to listen to the unadorned pieces without hearing those lyrics in my mind (but this does fade eventually). [follow the link to sample the music]
{Is there a time limit when adding a YouTube Video to blog posts? There was supposed to be the video here, but it has vanished. I'm done. I added it as a separate post instead. I wish I understood the process of adding videos better}
There are four CDs now (and an illustrated book), but we've only heard the first two. Both of them had a series of well known classical pieces beset with lyrics. Once done, the second half of the CD had the same pieces, but this time without the lyrics, just the lovely instrumentals.
[An edit: I forgot to mention that the third CD is designed to introduce individual instruments!]
Whether the intent is to introduce someone to classical music or to kick it up a notch and show how nothing is sacred, lol, Beethoven's Wig CDs are definitely fun. I love mixed media art, so why not with music, eh?!
I've heard good things about this series from a friend. I might have to check it out sometime soon.